The Will. Definition 1:
The power to choose what you do.
The Will. Definition 2:
The blend of self-discipline and determination that enables one to do something, even in the face of obstacles. It often seems that the motivating factor that feeds our will is negative and forceful or “will power”. This is often the position we take when we see our bodies, skin, life, in an unattractive light, where self-loathing is the name of the game. The will can be used with this negative energy and often changes can be made.. for a time. But the sustainable type of will that helps us to continue to help us make healthy choices do not come from this state of mind.
Switching to the Self Love Channel
The motivation to eat better because you feel fat or don’t like something about yourself is a far cry from the motivation that is fueled by love for yourself. When your will is driven by a love for yourself, making choices to eat better does not feel exhausting or overwhelming. Visualize your inner motivation as a friend or advocate. Who do you think would encourage you to make better choices–someone you perceive as loving you and using encouraging words or someone that is yelling at you all the time and calling you names? That’s what we do to ourselves. It’s time to switch from the self-loathing, white knuckling, sheer will power channel, to the self love channel!
Next time you are caught in a moment of ~wanting to turn to rich foods or wine after an emotional day. ~ or overly restricting your eating and obsessing over your food. Snap yourself out of it, by asking yourself: Is this choice is using the Self Love Channel?
“You will release the weight from your body, when you release the weight from your mind.” ~Marianne Williamson, A Course in Weight Loss
If you are on a path of lowering your weight, see it as just that. A path. I like to use the term “weight release”. You don’t want to tell your subconscious that you are losing anything, because that only creates more resistance and holding onto it tighter!
Instead of focusing on losing anything, focus on what you are gaining:
More energy + strength. (Women who release weight & get fit are NOT to be messed with, not just physically, but in life in general!)
More self confidence
More love for self Instead of focusing on everything that you are now not eating, which creates a sense of deprivation…. begin to focus on finding the best possible version of all of the things that you ARE eating. Research!
What is your ABSOLUTE favorite homemade salad dressing? Which vendor at the farmers market has the most organic, sweetest, yummiest berries? What is your favorite kind of herbal or green tea and how exactly do you like it? (I like mine w/ a bit of coconut milk and raw honey!)
“You can’t get what you want, thinking about what you don’t want” ~Wayne Dyer
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